This entry is a description of a few recent experiences, as well as some thoughts on Twin Peaks.
October 8, 2024

I am sitting on the couch, relaxing after a long day, and I find myself in esoteric contemplation.
Everything within this world has a Source. And it can be said that the Source of a thing is the same as the thing itself.
I am Awareness.
If a thing is within that Awareness it is within me.
And so the Source of anything I am Aware of is contained within myself.
The world zooms outward.
Perspective grows.
Looking inward, I find the Sources of all things.
They shine like Stars, glimmering in the night.
The retreat outward continues.
I am a Star as well.
I contain and Reflect all the other Stars.
Further outward.
The Stars surround Me.
I Am Reflected in Them,
They are Reflected in Me.
And my Reflection of Them is Reflected in Their Reflection of Me.
Outward still,
I find Myself
Seated on the couch.
Within Myself are the Stars shining in the Night
With my very own Self-Star centered in my Heart.
Outward ever onward
I look inward
And find the Sources of all things…
The experience is repeating.
And again.
And again.
Time has lost meaning.
I do not know how long,
or how many times
the cycle repeats.
It is as if
it contains
trapped in a Moment.
January 8, 2025

I’m sitting on the couch, relaxing after a long day.
Twin Peaks: The Return plays on the T.V. as I meander my way through rewatching the show.
From seemingly nowhere, a feeling begins to creep into my awareness, radiating outward from my heart.
At first, it is a Joy that arrives.
Moments later, Joy turns to Bliss.
The Bliss becomes overwhelming, taking over the entirety of my experience.
As it becomes the fullness of my attention, it gains an identity:
It is the feeling of being Loved, and in Love, to the deepest extent possible.
I am in Darkness.
I am the only perspective within a still, eternal blackness.
I see the apparent Nothing around Me, and I find that She is in Love with Me.
And I am in Love with Her.
Looking deeply into Her, I see My own Reflection.
She is so lost in Love that She shows Me She holds Me inside Herself.
And I love Her, and I Love the Reflection.
Turning inward, I look into the Light of what I Am.
Within Myself, I find the Darkness of Her.
I am so in Love with Her, that I hold Her inside Myself.
My gaze returns to the Reflection.
I now see that within the Me She holds within Her is Reflected the She that I hold within Me.
And within that Reflection of Her in Me is the continued Reflection of Me in Her.
Infinitely Recursive, forever onward, one in the other.
I stretch forward.
I Am so in Love that I reach out to make contact with the Reflection.
To touch the Me in Her in Me in Her in Me in Her in Me in…..
I feel as if I Am descending.
As the only sensation present around Me is Love,
I am Falling in Love.
As I approach, I find myself dressed within My own Reflected Light.
And because She Loves Me
She tangles up this Light
To create a garment within which I am clothed.
And in illuminating these folds
I find the World.
And I am in Love.
I am back on the couch.
I have not noticed the episode I was watching had ended, and a new one begun.
I have Returned, and I find music playing.
Wordless and etheral.
But I know the lyrics:
“Are we Falling in Love?”
I will leave you something to ponder:
In David Lynch’s filmography, color has very specific and important meanings.
He has stated that Yellow represents a state of being awake, or enlightened. Red is sleep, and Blue is dreaming. Other colors, and tones of those colors, are associated with many other ideas. The Black Lodge and the White Lodge. Pink as love. Green as nature and success. Purple oceans and Grey buildings.
Watching closely, you may find some of these and other associations within the lighting, costuming, and set decoration of Twin Peaks.
However, something you may not have noticed is that in The Return, the “Rancho Rosa” title cards for each episode, before the narrative of the show actually starts, change color each time:

Sometimes they are one color, sometimes multiple, sometimes they flicker and change.
What could these colors mean?
Perhaps, if we look closely, we can find that they are pointing out exactly where we are in each episode.
What is going on, where our travel through the story has brought us, and where it is leading.
They could be said to be a map.
Or, in other terms,
a Cosmology:

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