The Projector

Mid November 2023.

I sit on the couch, not paying attention to anything in particular. I drift through strange thoughts, but give them no mind.

Late November 2023.

I sit on the couch, not paying attention to anything in particular.

The vision comes suddenly.

A stage.

Black floor, with a crest of lit bulbs. Dull red curtains as a backdrop. Around it, void.

On stage, I see myself from days earlier. I sit on the couch, not paying attention to anything in particular.

My perspective is from that of a light source, illuminating the stage.

The light makes the observation of the stage possible.

The me-on-stage is looking away, not seeing the light. Missing this vision days ago.

The light washes over the me-on-stage, creating the set and the costume I wear upon it.

As the light changes, the costumes change. The set changes.

The experience is somewhat like projecting a hologram, but one which is solid.

In similar fashion to how a projector can play a movie on a screen, the performance on this stage is projected outward from my central point and dances in full realism.

The light and love are the same thing. There is no explanation for this, it simply is.

The light changes, and the me on stage changes.

I am a child, playing with a small wizard figurine. This is a vague memory from many years ago.

Child me looks around, but does not notice the projector.

The stage is now internal.

The play of my life dances about on it, each costume and set piece projected from myself.

The vision ends.

I get up to gather pencil and paper to write down what just happened.

Looking around, I happen to walk by a small bookshelf searching for a pencil, and upon it I find the same tiny wizard figure from my vision.

I don’t remember putting it here. I had forgotten it existed. I don’t know why it would be here, in a house over 1000 miles away from where I lived as a child.

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